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Ross Thompson HolometryDisplay

Ross Thompson HolometryDisplay
Born in Scotland in 1970 and after countless times moving house aound the UK and various parts of the planet I ended up here in Germany..hmm...I suppose stranger things have happened, but it seems to work for my part in the big plan...whatever that my be???
I suppose I reaaaaaalllly started doing music around the Pubs with a bud of mine Ian Benham, doing typical Pub shit..y'know;oD
Then I joined the Punk-Rock Band "the Sin City Suckers" as a guitarrist and discovered how much I really love the stage...however..Punk wasn't my I ended up joining Deadly Sin in early 2001 and went on to release two cool CDs with them...a third is kind of on the way...not too sure about that one?
A bud of mine asked if I would be interested in joining in an unfinished project of his and sure about march of 2003 I joined The Display...I may, from time to time, upload a few samples from both bands from time to time..y' never know do ya?*g*
I've been writing my own stuff for about 2 years now..using various progs like battery and logic and stuff.

*UPDATE!!!!!* April 2009

Because I haven't bothered my ass with the internet that much lately, a lot has happened which I have neglegted to report.

Let's rewind to June 2006. I go online. Check my mails. See one from a guy calling himself "Stefan Schmidt" asking me if I can remeber him from a gig I played with my old band Deadly Sin sometime in 2004 or something. He was there with his girlfriend Inga's band Fading Starlight. And apparently, he asked if I would be interested in a project he was developing. Naturally, after many various intoxicants I allegedly asked him to send me an example. Now, fast forward to September 2006. I'm standing in Stef's studio in Bingen Singing the first tracks to "Lifetime". One of the songs on our first album "A Storm to Come". And two weeks later we all met for the first time together and shot our first video..and the rollercoaster ride hasn't stopped yet. Look us up on

Now...if you've bothered your asses to read this far then I know you're really interested in what being said or you're bored..whatever...all I wanna say is......
Thank you for taking the time and popping by to have a listen.Leave a comment if you'd like.
Stay safe


Empfehlung am 28.08.2017
3:15 Min
Acoustic - Februar 2013
2:44 Min
4:06 Min
Aufrufe 13709 mal aufgerufen
Hörzeit 65:14:33 Stunden angehört    Klicks 9899 mal angehört

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